European Road Trip! (Croatia and Austria)

Road Trip Holiday to Croatia “You nearly ready?” Richard asks as he lumbers past the bedroom door with a number of bags piled up in his arms. No, I’m not, I think to myself. I’m still choosing which shoes to bring and in the end Richard gives up and tells me to bring the lot. “There’s still loads of room in the boot, it’s the beauty of a road trip!” He says happily. After a few hours from setting off on our road trip holiday to Croatia, we arrive at the Port of Dover. We were aiming to get an earlier ferry (which you can do free of charge, or get the later one), but we have just missed it so we drive back through the town to find a good traditional fish and chip shop. Ahhh, the softest, most crispy-on-the-outside, tasty chips ever, they went down a treat! With the whole twelve days ahead of us, we head back to the ferry port to sail across to the continent and begin our journey South-East through Germany and past Munich, through Austria, through Slovenia and past ...