High and Dry (Well, Wet and Soggy) Ski Encounter

Spring Ski Holiday to St Gervais With My Friend Kim, and Our Soggy Ski Encounter Kim didn't need ski lessons. It was her first time and I decided to teach her, but perhaps we both needed lessons in mountain weather... After coming off the phone and logging off the laptop my sense of excitement intensified. We were actually booked - flights to Geneva, a chalet in Saint Gervais, and coach transport from the airport. I was going to get to ski in the Alps a second time before the summer after all! I suppose that’s the nature of taking up the most addictive outdoor pursuit - constantly craving it. Anyway, Kim seemed excited and not only was I looking forward to my holiday, I was looking forward to hers. With any luck she would come away sharing my addiction to the white stuff... After being dropped off at the airport by my cousin I was lucidly aware of Richard’s absence. How many euros should I get? Shall I use my card or get cash? Leaving behind ‘head of a...