Caribbean Creole Paradise in Martinique

It's not for nothing that this lush, tropical island is called the isle of flowers - it's positively teeming with colour. It's not surprising that the Parisian running the local art gallery described his former home city to me as 'too grey.' Anything would seem diluted in comparison to Martinique ... This was a trip mainly for indulging and relaxing . But (of course), most definitely not in a commercial all-you-can-eat style. We stayed in Sainte Luce fishing village - on the South coast, at the Brise Marine serviced apartments right on the beach . Hummingbirds darted between hibiscuses, green lizards basked in the sun, and the waves lapped the shore metres from us . I also chose Brise Marine for other reasons; Richard has to be kept happy with a big French breakfast, and this was not a compromise here. Every morning a big tray of fresh Croissants, pineapple and more , arrived at our door. We shared breakfast in the bigger bungalow my Mum and Aunty were s...