Beaches, Gardens and Volcanic Mud in New Zealand's Lush, Green North Island

New Zealand's Northland always feels like a second home. I've been lucky enough that my childhood has been fairly kiwi-heavy because of family, so I enjoy passing on what this has given me, to the littlest one. I know I'd be a slightly different person without a kiwi-influenced childhood. On this trip, we spent most of our time with various combinations of family members on beaches, boats, in water, volcanic mud or beautiful gardens. Some of our trip's highlights were possible because of family, although they are still relevant to those interested in things to do on New Zealand's North Island. Our visit was an Easter one, so autumn colours peppered the otherwise green sub-tropical hilly landscape . It felt strange to leave our UK spring and have little Klowski looking for chocolate eggs in autumnal gardens without daffodils, but the autumn sunshine was still strong and the days warm . An advantage over the cold wind blustering our homeland...