Welcome along on my adventures with an easily sunburned husband and squidgy little girl.
As parents, we seek rich opportunities, as skiers; mountains, and as foodies; delicacies. (Also, colourful shops while Richard lurks outside sizing up restaurant menus)... Enjoy!
More than Just a Happy Holiday: Chilling Soviet History in Budapest (and Lighter, Brighter Attractions to Enjoy)
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Most Charming Towns and Villages to Visit! (Discovered on Road Trips and Holidays in Europe off the Beaten Track) I was recently inspired to blog my Top Ten Quaintest Towns and Villages that we have come across on our road trips and holidays in Europe so far. Since our holiday to Corsica and the South of France I have have fallen in love with two more quaint little villages and added them - Eze, and Pigna... Most of these places are best reached by hiring a car in Europe or perhaps using trains, busses or other European public transport. Some of them are not all within easy reach of main airports or all that easy to travel to from main cities. That is, of course a big part of their appeal as they are such genuine little places which are full of unique character... E njoy! Annecy, France Annecy Vielle Ville (old town) is a colourful, rustic, cobbly affair in Haute Savoie - France. It has a canal weaving through the ce...
Holidays, Vacations, and Travel with a Baby Travel with a baby doesn't have to be difficult. Sure, you'll have all the typical comments like the sceptical 'good luck' and the 'rather it was you than me.' But you have to remember - you're doing this because you want to, and if you're happy and relaxed, your baby will be. The only difference is that you're not at home in the same environment. (Oh and perhaps the time difference but more about that later). Sterilising Bottles need to be sterile for giving milk, as milk is a bacteria haven! This is easily done on the go using Milton tablets - available at most superstores. Any airtight container will do. We have one that's just big enough for all bottles, and we split the tablets in half as they are designed for a container twice as big (easily done as they are pre-scored). The water with the tablet dissolved in it can be used for 24 hours - rinsed bottles can be added and removed interchangea...
Road Trips in Europe (For my actual road trips across various parts of Europe, and photos, see the road trips and links at the end of this page) There’s just something about waking up in a totally different place every morning, and heading where the wind takes you... Road trips and car hire are a fantastic way to get about in Europe and see a variety of diverse places in a modest amount of time. Whether you’re hoping to experience a taster of different countries, see different sights, or eat different foods, planning a road trip is the best way to enjoy a range of experiences. It is the best way to do what you want, when you want. The general main points which are important to remember when planning or going on a road trip are as follows: - Cities are fun to visit but save the proper city break for just that – a city break. The traffic can be stressful and it can ...
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